CAWS North Dakota’s mission is to provide leadership and support in the identification, intervention and prevention of domestic and sexual violence.
CAWS North Dakota encourages communities to start talking and keep the conversation going about violence - how to identify it, how to get help and how to end it. We raise public awareness about the root causes of violence. We promote the recognition of domestic and sexual violence as well as provide the tools for communities to prevent and respond to violence.
CAWS North Dakota connects victims to local crisis intervention centers - people who can help. The crisis intervention centers rely on a network of people who respond to victims and perpetrators of sexual and domestic violence. We provide training, leadership development and technical support to these partners. We encourage public policy and laws that help victims and hold all offenders accountable.
Community (PREVENTION)
CAWS North Dakota’s vision is to end sexual and domestic violence, dating violence and stalking, by promoting social change and creating a culture that supports nonviolence. We accomplish this by informing people about these issues and encouraging bystander intervention. We connect with communities through educational resources, social media, publications, news media and by coordinating statewide awareness campaigns.