Find sexual violence services available in Arizona.
ASK AZ is an app and website designed to centralize resources for sexual violence in the state of Arizona. The platform is organized by region: Northern AZ, Southern AZ and Metropolitan Phoenix. ASK AZ provides immediate, crisis services, such as RAINN’s hotline and chat, local rape crisis centers and domestic violence services, information about the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) program, community resources and options to consider after an incident of sexual assault.
ASK AZ provides community-specific information, including youth resources, tribal resources, hispanic services, bystander intervention resources and campus services.
The app includes interactive features like a panic button that immediately calls local emergency personnel (911), the ability to alert friends and share GPS location with selected contacts and store emergency medical information.
ASK AZ was created with support from Verizon Hopeline and in collaboration with the Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence.
Learn more - www.askaz.org