• Learn About UASK Campuses

  • District of Columbia


Find sexual violence services available in Washington, DC. 

UASK DC, University Assault. Services. Knowledge., is an invaluable tool for any college student in Washington, DC. It provides pertinent sexual violence resources that are available on all 8 university campuses in the District, as well as city- and community-specific resources that serve victims and their family and friends in the short- and long-term following sexual violence. Resources include: medical care information and options, counseling and support services on campus, navigating the reporting process and national resources. 

The app includes interactive features like a panic button that immediately calls local emergency personnel (911), the ability to alert friends and share GPS location with selected contacts and store emergency medical information. 

  • American University
  • Catholic University 
  • Gallaudet University
  • Georgetown University
  • George Washington University
  • Howard University
  • Trinity Washington University
  • University of the District of Columbia

Know Your Rights & Options to Consider Infographic

was created with support from the DC Mayor’s Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants, and in collaboration with the eight colleges and universities in Washington, DC.

Learn more - www.uaskdc.org

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