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Gallaudet University Sexual Violence Resources

  • Gallaudet University is committed to creating and maintaining a living and learning environment free from all forms of harassment, exploitation, intimidation, and/or violence, including sex discrimination, intimate partner abuse, stalking, and all forms of sexual misconduct. 

    Gallaudet encourages reporting of incidents and also attempts to eliminate pressure that might lead students to choose to not report a sexual misconduct, intimate partner abuse, or stalking incident or to minimize its seriousness by providing a process whereby the parties involved are treated with dignity; privacy and confidentiality are maintained to the fullest extent possible; allegations of sexual misconduct intimate partner abuse, and stalking are investigated promptly and thoroughly; and that students are provided with full support and assistance. 

    The student has the right to decline to notify police or campus authority of an incident allegedly in violation of this policy.  Making the decision whether or not to report a sexual misconduct, intimate partner abuse, or stalking incident is the beginning of the process by which many students get back control over their lives.

    Though the reporting can be difficult, it is often worth the effort. Students sometimes feel empowered by their attempt to bring the responsible party to justice. The decision whether or not to report has numerous economic, psychological, social, and emotional consequences. Students must make the decision which best allows them to continue a healthy and productive life. 

Public Safety Assistance

  • The Department of Public Safety (DPS) makes an official report at the request of the student. DPS also provides information on how to contact outside agencies and assists in contacting these agencies when necessary.

  • Emergency Line


  • Non-emergency Line


  • Address

    800 Florida Ave NE, Carlin Hall Basement, Washington, DC 20002

  • Website


Title IX Coordinator

  • The EOP/AA officer and Title IX Coordinator assist with problem resolution and responds to complaints of sexual misconduct, intimate partner abuse, stalking, and harassment against staff and faculty (and students if a particular complainant is not being resolved through the OSC Title IX Team).

  • V/VP


  • Address

    800 Florida Ave NE, College Hall 312, Washington, DC 20002

  • Website


  • Email


Health and Wellness Programs

  • The Director of Health and Wellness Programs serves as the central source of sexual misconduct information and referral for students, and coordinates support for staff and faculty who respond to student concerns. In addition, Health and Wellness Programs develop and conduct prevention/risk reduction workshops for all incoming students and prepares and disseminates educational pamphlets, fact sheets, and articles concerning sexual misconduct.

  • VP


  • V


  • Address

    Ely Center 103, Washington, DC 20002

  • Website


  • Email


Confidential Counseling

  • Counselors are available during the day and may be contacted for emergency situations after office hours by the Department of Public Safety. The CAPS provides confidential crisis management, short term therapy, and group therapy (depending on the number of students with similar concerns/issues). CAPS also provides a referral list of area agencies and private practitioners.

  • VP


  • V


  • Address

    Kellogg Conference Hotel at Gallaudet University, 3rd Floor #3202, Washington, DC 20002

  • Website


  • Email


Office of Campus Ministries

  • The Office of Campus Ministries (OCM) provides a variety of confidential counseling services to students, including personal counseling and crisis management in either individual or group settings. OCM also makes referrals and works with other on-campus and off-campus offices and agencies to meet the needs of individuals in crisis.

  • V


  • Address

    800 Florida Ave NE, Ely Center 114-118, Washington, DC 20002

  • Website


  • Email


Schedule and Accommodation Changes

Housing Accommodation Changes

  • The Office of Residence Life and Housing provides immediate response through on-site or on-call staff. The Office of Residence Life and Housing, when directly involved in the initial contact of the student, is responsible for stabilizing the situation and assisting with contacts to other campus personnel. The Office of Residence Life and Housing can also provide emergency housing relocation and, together with Counseling and Psychological Services and/or Department of Public Safety, will arrange for transportation to the hospital, if necessary. The Office of Residence Life and Housing also provides educational materials and programs for students.

  • VP


  • V


  • Address

    Ely Center 132, Washington, DC 20002

  • Email


Follow Up Medical Care

  • During hours of operation, Student Health Service (SHS) provides first aid and referral services for students who experienced sexual misconduct. SHS also screens and treats sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and provides appropriate follow-up care.

  • V


  • Address

    Peter J. Fine Health Center, Washington, DC 20002

  • Email
