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  • Public Safety Assistance

Mercyhurst University Police & Safety

  • Mercyhurst University Police & Safety are committed to providing a safe living and learning environment for its campus community. Police & Safety are continuously striving to build and maintain a high level of cooperation between the entire campus community in order to focus on crime prevention and problem solving through awareness and education. The staff consists of sworn police officers with arrest powers. Officers will respond to calls and onsite visits to assist students with any matter of personal safety.

    Police & Safety work around the clock to maintain a safe atmosphere for students, faculty, staff, and visitors alike.

  • Main Line


  • Secondary Line


  • Address

    501 E 38th St, Lower Level of McAuley Hall, Erie, PA 16546

  • Website


Erie Police Department

  • The mission of the Erie Police Department (EPD) is to provide professional law enforcement services to citizens in the community. EPD strives to enforce the law and maintain order in a fair and impartial manner, recognizing the need for justice. EPD actively solicits and encourages the cooperation of all citizens to reduce and limit the opportunities for crime, and to report crimes that do occur. 

    EPD will be called in by Mercyhurst Police and Safety when reports lead to an investigation.  EPD Officers are trained to help an individual who has experienced sexual violence to navigate through the legal process.

  • Non-Emergency Number


  • Address

    626 State Street, Erie, PA 16501

  • Website
