Map of DMV Region


Find campus-specific and community-based resources for sexual violence in the DMV region - Washington, DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia

Get The App

With UASK DMV you are a walking resource. This invaluable tool for college students and community members includes a panic button that immediately calls local emergency personnel, the ability to alert friends and share your GPS location with selected contacts, and campus resources in the event you have experienced sexual violence.  The app allows you to select your home school or region.  Download the free UASK DMV app on your Apple or Android device. Click one of the links below or search "UASK DMV" on the iTunes App Store or Google Play Store.

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Title IX 

  • Title IX prohibits sex discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funding (the vast majority of schools). Under Title IX, schools are legally required to respond and remedy hostile educational environments and failure to do so is a violation that means a school could risk losing its federal funding. Learn more

Clery Act

  •  The Clery Act is a federal law that requires colleges to report crimes that occur on campus and school safety policies. This information is available each year in an Annual Security Report (ASR), which can be found on your school’s website. It also requires schools to send timely warnings to the school community when there are known risks to public safety on campus.

    The Clery Act contains the Campus Sexual Assault Victim’s Bill of Rights, which requires colleges to disclose educational programming, campus disciplinary process, and victim rights regarding sexual violence complaints. Learn more.